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Gochara or transit results for Simha Rasi

Current Date&Time (Indian Standard Time (IST): GMT+05.30Hrs): 27-07-2024 18:47:37

Current Transit Chart

Ra Mo Ma Ju

Sun transiting house: 12

Losses and ill health. The sun transits the 12th house from your moon sign or Rasi. This transit is not good for you. The position indicates that there will be sorrow, creation of a situation which causes loss to everything, quarrels and ill-health. Discord/separation with wife/husband, physical injury, expulsion from home, unwanted expenditures, harm to father, heat related diseases, unholy acts, enmity, fever, failure at work are the results of this transit.

Sun aspects house 6. Result of this aspect is Good. Relief from disease

Sun in malefic position. Sun transiting Vedha position to good position 6.

Sun is in enemy sign and may not be able to produce good results.

Moon transiting house: 9

Ill health. Moon transits the 9th house from your moon sign or Rasi. This will give pain of mind, chest pain, fatigue of body and the like. Religious inclinations, desire in visiting temples and holy places, undertaking charitable works, happy from journeys, increase of sexual desire and likely conception of wife or childbirth are the results predicted for this transit.

Moon aspects house 3. Result of this aspect is Good. Success in undertakings. Income

Moon in malefic position. Moon transiting Vedha position to good position 3.

Moon is in enemy sign and may not be able to produce good results.

Mercury transiting house: 1

Loss of wealth. Mercury transits your Janma Rasi. This is not a favourable transit and indicates suffering from loss of wealth caused by the advice of wicked men, by tale-bearers, by imprisonment and quarrels. You will receive disagreeable intelligence when in journey. Mental imbalance, poverty, eye diseases, quarrels with brothers, destruction of wealth, fear of imprisonment, difficulties in journeys, failure in education, unhappiness in family, untimely food, theft of valuables, fatigue by journey are the results of transit of first house by mercury.

Mercury aspects house 7. Result of this aspect is Bad. quarrels

Mercury in malefic position. Mercury transiting Vedha position to good position 8. The bad results are obstructed to some extent by Rahu

Venus transiting house: 12

Acquisition of wealth. Venus transits the 12th house from your moon sign or Rasi. This is a favourable position and indicates acquisition of house and clothes. There will be good sleep and rest. Help will come from various sources. You will love your wife (or husband) very much. Ministerial posts are possible. Will spend money for sensual enjoyment. There will be budget deficiency at the end of month. Cars and other vehicles are obtainable. Even though Venus is in the house of expenses and make you spend more you will also earn more.

Venus aspects house 6. Result of this aspect is Bad. disease

Venus is in enemy sign and may not be able to produce good results.

Mars transiting house: 10

Obstacls, physical exertion. Mars transits the 10th house from your moon sign or Rasi. This transit indicates financial gains, amounts due will be realised, success will attend on your ventures. Business will improve. There will be obstacles to all undertakings. Failures in undertakings, agony due to diseases, disturbance from enemies, danger from weapons, loss/theft of valuables are expected. Unexpected foreign travel and gain of money is also predicted. Fire accidents and machinery accidents are expected.

Mars aspects house 4. Result of this aspect is Bad. Fear of enemy, stomach ailments

Mars in malefic position.

Jupiter transiting house: 10

Apprehensions about career. Jupiter transits the 10th house from your moon sign or Rasi. This is not a favourable positions and indicates you will quit your place and suffer loss of health and wealth. Care must be taken in every action since Jupiter's position is not good. May face problems in job and may lose it. Health may suffer. Eye diseases are expected, physical and mental fatigue, displacement of residence, danger to children, lose of property, death of close relative are the bad results of this transit. This one year period is not favorable to your job or profession. So don't be aggressive in office or whatever field you are working in.

Jupiter aspects house 4. Result of this aspect is

Jupiter in malefic position. Jupiter transiting Vedha position to good position 9. The bad results are obstructed to some extent by Moon

Saturn transiting house: 7

Troublesome journey and illness to wife. Saturn transits the 7th house from your moon sign or Rasi. This is not a favourable position. You will be separated from wife and children will travel on foot in a pitiable condition. There will be fear of accident during journey, farmers will get their cattle destroyed, servants will abandon you, loss of prestige, loss of job are possible. There may be severe poverty, disease, low earnings, earnings by menial jobs, wandering without objectives, travel to foreign places/countries and experiencing difficulties there, difficulty maintaining family and daily expenses. Thus Saturn in seventh house is highly in-auspicious and make life a hell.

Saturn aspects house 1. Result of this aspect is

Saturn in malefic position.

Saturn is ruling and will improve the good results

Rahu transiting house: 8

Danger to life

Rahu aspects house 2. Result of this aspect is

Rahu in malefic position.

Kethu transiting house: 2


Kethu aspects house 8. Result of this aspect is

Kethu in malefic position.