Free Horoscopes
We offer free and accurate horoscope
charts. Just give your birth date, time and place. You will get birth kundli /
jathaka in Tamil / English. Soon horoscope charts will be available in
other Indian langauges like Hindi, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam.
Free Match Making
Are looking for a horoscope matching
service? We offer free and accurate horoscope / kundli match. The
service is available currently in Tamil and English.
We have a panel of eminent and
experienced astrologers to answer you queries. Solve your problems in
marriage, education, profession, health, finance with the help of
cell: 93630 46875 (English/Tamil)
Thiru.M.Venkatachalan D.A.,
cell: 7904866877 (Tamil)
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Full Vedic Horsocope charts and predictions
Welcome to our full horoscope tool. Our website offers highly accurate and reliable Indian Vedic Horoscope or Jadagam. Please enter you date & time of birth and city of birth. The data will be saved and you can browse various charts, Vimshottari dasa tables, Ashtaka varga tables and complete predictions based on your input. Thousands of people have used and benefited from our marriage match making tool.
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