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Gochara or transit results for Mesha Rasi

Current Date&Time (Indian Standard Time (IST): GMT+05.30Hrs): 27-07-2024 09:18:55

Current Transit Chart

Mo Ra Ma Ju

Sun transiting house: 4

Illness, worries. The sun transits the fourth house from your birth sign or Rasi. This is an indication of diseases, constant attack from opponents, no peace of mind, pressure from creditors, and sorrow and misery. This position will give troubles in domestic life, situations might compel expulsion form house, make difficulties in decision making, friends and relatives will turn foes, female members in house may be afflicted by diseases, affect conjugal bliss, fever and other physical problems are indicated.

Sun aspects house 10. Result of this aspect is Good. Success in career/profession

Sun in malefic position. Sun transiting Vedha position to good position 10.

Sun is in enemy sign and may not be able to produce good results.

Moon transiting house: 12

Expenditure. Moon transits the 12th house from your moon sign or Rasi. This is not a favorable positions and indicates suffering from accidents and injuries. You must be careful during this period. Loss of peace, forceful expulsion from home, expenditures, lack of money and borrowing from others on that account, expenditures due to women, loss in all undertakings, untimely food, mental anguish and anger, laziness, jealous, discord with relatives and friends are the likely results of transit of twelfth house by moon.

Moon aspects house 6. Result of this aspect is Good. profit, loss of enemy

Moon in malefic position. Moon transiting Vedha position to good position 6. The bad results are obstructed to some extent by Kethu

Mercury transiting house: 5

Discord with wife and children Mercury transits the 5th house from your moon sign or Rasi. This indicates quarrel with your wife and sons and will not enjoy the company of an excellent wife. Mental imbalance, poverty, various diseases, ignored by others, everyone becomes enemy, disease to maternal uncles, disease to children, quarrel with spouse and children, and similar ill effects will be shown during the transit of first house from fifth house by mercury.

Mercury aspects house 11. Result of this aspect is Good. Gain of wealth

Mercury in malefic position. Mercury transiting Vedha position to good position 2. The bad results are obstructed to some extent by Mars The bad results are obstructed to some extent by Jupiter

Venus transiting house: 4

Increase in the number of friends. Venus transits the 4th house from your moon sign or Rasi. This indicates you will get new friends and will become greatly powerful. There may be separate residing quarters or house for you. Success in education, increased physical vitality and beauty, increased intelligence, helping tendency, forgiveness, increased standard of living, powerful position in employment, help from relatives, and other good results are predicted from this transit.

Venus aspects house 10. Result of this aspect is Good.Gain of income, business

Venus is in enemy sign and may not be able to produce good results.

Mars transiting house: 2

Loss of wealth. Mars transits the 2nd house from moon sign or Rasi. This not a favourable transit and indicates displeasure from Government and suffering from quarrels, from enemies and disgrace is indicated. Fear from thieves and affliction of body with bilious and windy complaints is also indicated. Loss of wealth/property, loss of prestige, diseases in eyes and face, mental anguish, loss in agriculture and farming, displeasure with family, wife and children, failure in education, severe fever, enmity, quarrels with others and likely bad results are expected during this transit.

Mars aspects house 8. Result of this aspect is Bad. Injury/wound due to weapons

Mars in malefic position.

Jupiter transiting house: 2

Gain of wealth. Jupiter transits the 2nd house from your moon sign or Rasi. This is a benificial position for jupiter. You will have no enemies and will enjoy wealth and women. Money will grow like bamboo tree. Unmarried men will get beautiful wife and children thereafter. Body will gain vitality. Intelligence will increase and you will be good in education, speech. Peace will prevail in home and people will respect your words . You will also subdue enemies. Sexual desires will be fulfilled. Male progeny can be expected. Promotions in job, employment for jobless and likely results will happen during the transit of second house by Jupiter.

Jupiter aspects house 8. Result of this aspect is

The beneficial result of Jupiter is obstructed by the Vedha caused by Moon at house 12. So the good results are somehow reduced or completely absent.The beneficial result of Jupiter is obstructed by the Vedha caused by Rahu at house 12. So the good results are somehow reduced or completely absent.

Saturn transiting house: 11

Inflow of wealth, varied comforts. Saturn transits the 11th house from your moon sign or Rasi. This is highly beneficial position. Monetary gains are expected. Money will come from multiple sources, cure from diseases, increased vitality, attainment of jobs in government, birth of female child, increased popularity name and fame, commanding positions, increased sexual desire and satisfaction, acquiring property of others, profit from all business undertakings, new friends are the possible results of this transit. There may be no deficiency in material satisfaction, all household articles will be filled in house. Thus Saturn is helpful during this 2.5 years.

Saturn aspects house 5. Result of this aspect is

The beneficial result of Saturn is obstructed by the Vedha caused by Mercury at house 5. So the good results are somehow reduced or completely absent.

Saturn is ruling and will improve the good results

Rahu transiting house: 12


Rahu aspects house 6. Result of this aspect is

Rahu in malefic position. Rahu transiting Vedha position to good position 3.

Kethu transiting house: 6


Kethu aspects house 12. Result of this aspect is